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Facilitating Access to Justice Through Innovation

Many people experience civil justice problems, but few involve the courts. Rebecca Sandefur, an associate professor of sociology and law at the University of Illinois, has researched the frequency of justice problems and found that less than a quarter of Americans experiencing civil justice issues used the courts to resolve their disputes. Findings from the

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The Codify Project: Building a Free Database of Global Legislation

My name is John Wu. I’m a JD / MBA student between Osgoode Hall and Schulich School of Business. With my team, I’m currently building a free database of global legislation. Why are you doing this? I’m going to start off with a premise I hope most of you can get behind: legal information is

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Access to Justice: Next Year a Big One for the National Action Committee / Accès à la justice : prochaine année occupée pour le Comité d’action

La version française suit. There are big transitions occurring at the Action Committee on Access to Justice in Civil and Family Matters. Former Chief Justice Beverly McLachlin has this month assumed the chair of the committee which she had convened a decade ago. The Chief Justice of Canada, Richard Wagner, has agreed to take on

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The Problems Canadians Experience in Key Areas of Life May Be Greater Than We Think

Millions of Canadians live with serious debt, persistent housing problems and face ongoing issues with unemployment. These problems have profound effects on their quality of life. They signal lives of adversity that are impacted by the economic and social constraints that these problems impose. The Canadian Forum on Civil Justice’s (CFCJ’s) 2014 national survey of

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Access to Justice: Highs and Lows of Pro Bono Week

This article originally appeared on The Lawyer’s Daily on November 5, 2018. It is the twelfth article in The Honourable Thomas Cromwell’s exclusive Lawyer’s Daily column dedicated to access to civil and family justice. The last week of October is Pro Bono Week, a global celebration of the pro bono ethic in our profession. Across

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CFCJ Publishes New Cost of Justice Reports

The Canadian Forum on Civil Justice (CFCJ) has published three new reports based on data from their Everyday Legal Problems and the Cost of Justice in Canada study. EVERYDAY LEGAL PROBLEMS AND THE COST OF JUSTICE IN CANADA – SURVEY DATA The full data set from the CFCJ’s Everyday Legal Problems and Cost of Justice

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