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Caregiver Access to Justice in Canada: Addressing the Challenges Faced by Migrant Workers
Introduction Canada has long relied on migrant workers to fill gaps in the labour market, particularly for jobs related to domestic work. Since the end of the Second World War, tens of thousands of individuals, predominantly women from the Global South, have come to Canada to fulfill vital caregiving roles. As of 2021, there are
Read NowClimbing the HiiL of innovation: A book review of Innovating Justice: Developing New Ways to Bring Fairness Between People
Innovating Justice by Sam Muller and the team at The Hague Institute for the Internationalization of Law (HiiL) is a very timely and valuable source of ideas about developing and implementing innovations in the justice field. Based on their pioneering work at the Justice Innovation Lab in The Hague, the authors provide food for thought
read nowBreaking the Barriers to Family Justice
On July 22, 2013, the Law Commission of Ontario (LCO) released the final report for their Family Law Project: “Increasing Access to Family Justice through Comprehensive Entry Points and Inclusivity”. The report, which the result of over three years of consultation and study, makes a number of innovative recommendations and adds a welcome voice to
read nowAccessing justice… from the cottage?
In August I get more of “Out of the Office” automatic email replies than any other month. I suspect (and am very envious of the fact) that many people have fled their offices, trading them in for lakes, canoes, cottages and long summer days on the beach. So in honour of this exodus, and as
read nowAre health problems legal problems in disguise?
Access to justice as a social determinant of health Social Determinants of Health It is well understood that those at the bottom of the social gradient have shorter life expectancies and experience more health problems at a higher rate than those who are well-off. The societal factors that cause this disparity are referred to by
read nowInnovating Justice: Ideas from the Netherlands
The semi-annual meeting of the International Legal Aid Group (ILAG) is the pre-eminent international legal aid conference in the world. Delegates from about 25 countries, including Asian, African and Latin American nations, attend this conference. The focus of the ILAG is on access to justice in European nations, as well as other common law countries.
read nowThe State of Civil Legal Aid in Canada: By the Numbers in 2011-2012
Introduction Historically, legal aid was the first response to the access to justice problem. At present it occupies by far the largest terrain in the access to justice landscape in Canada. Access to justice in Canada is poised on the edge of significant changes encouraged by the work of the National Action Committee on Access
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