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How lawyers resolve family law disputes

This past July I was able to sample the views of 167 lawyers and judges attending the Federation of Law Societies of Canada‘s National Family Law Program in Whistler, British Columbia through a survey designed and implemented by two prominent academics and the Canadian Research Institute for Law and the Family. The survey asked questions about participants’ views on

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Politically smart and locally-led justice programming

We are pleased to re-post this piece by Sam Muller which originally appeared on the Hague Institute for the Internationalisation of Law (HiiL) Innovating Justice Forum website on October 2, 2014. A few weeks ago I attended a fascinating meeting with this provocative title at the Overseas Development Institute (ODI) in London. It implies that most justice programming is

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The Halton Legal Health Check-Up Project is About to Go into the Field

The Legal Health Check-Up project, being developed by the Halton Community Legal Clinic, is moving out of the planning phase and into the field. Now that training for the seven intermediary partners in the use of the Check-up tool has been completed and the research instruments have been developed, the project is entering a preliminary

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When Access Isn’t Enough: Examining the Intersection Between Social Inequality and Access to Justice

In her recently published book, On the Run: Fugitive Life in an American City, sociologist Alice Goffman follows the lives of several young men living in an inner-city community in Philadelphia. Through immersive fieldwork and rich ethnographic detail she illustrates “how fear of confinement has transformed work, health, and family life, causing men to disengage

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Connecting Ottawa

In December 2008, the Law Foundation of Ontario tasked Karen Cohl and George Thomson with the responsibility of finding durable solutions for individuals facing linguistic and rural barriers to accessing justice. In response to their findings, a pilot project funded by the Law Foundation and Connecting Ottawa was born.  I had the opportunity to intern

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Extending the Reach of Legal Aid – The Halton Legal Health Check-Up Project

In an effort to overcome the realties of unmet legal needs in South Western Ontario, the Halton Community Legal Services (HCLS) has created the Legal Health Check-Up project. Primarily funded by Legal Aid Ontario’s Fund to Strengthen Capacity of Community and Legal Clinics, this initiative maintains that the key to effective resolution of legal problems lies in early and

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