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Caregiver Access to Justice in Canada: Addressing the Challenges Faced by Migrant Workers
Introduction Canada has long relied on migrant workers to fill gaps in the labour market, particularly for jobs related to domestic work. Since the end of the Second World War, tens of thousands of individuals, predominantly women from the Global South, have come to Canada to fulfill vital caregiving roles. As of 2021, there are
Read NowProblèmes juridiques quotidiens et les coûts de la justice au Canada – Fact Sheet
Le forum canadien sur la justice civile est très heureux d’annoncer que notre fiche descriptive sur les problèmes juridiques quotidiens et les coûts de la justice au Canada est présentement disponible en français! Cette fiche descriptive fait partie du projet sur les coûts de la justice (2011-2017) qui examine les coûts sociaux et économiques du
read nowCost of Justice Project Presentations
Members of the Canadian Forum on Civil Justice staff and research alliance presented research and findings from the SSHRC-funded Cost of Justice project at several conferences in Spring, 2016. Here are the links to the slides from some of those presentations: Law and Society 2016 Annual Conference : Discussing the Future of Access to Justice
read nowWe Are Here to Help: the changing culture of legal aid in Nova Scotia
The traditional legal aid model has focused on providing legal solutions to a series of problems that have been narrowly defined as “legal.” The reality, however, is that strictly legal problems are often embedded within a cluster of non-legal problems. Therefore, in order to effectively respond to the growing legal need in this country the
read nowHuman-Centered Design and the Justice System: Lessons from the Field
The best way to improve any system is to work with and receive feedback from the individuals who are engaged in that system. In her recent trip to the Yukon, CFJC Research Fellow and Winkler Institute Assistant Director Nicole Aylwin met with the Yukon Courts, Department of Justice, and other justice stakeholders to discuss the
read nowResearch Update: Paralegals, the Cost of Justice and Access to Justice: A Case Study of Residential Tenancy Disputes in Ottawa
A further and final year of data gathered for this case study has reinforced the message that paralegals, who purportedly offer more affordable and accessible legal services than lawyers, are continuing to make a significant contribution to the resolution of residential tenancy disputes in Ottawa, but only for landlords and, largely, for corporate landlords. The
read nowEveryday Legal Problems and the Cost of Justice in Canada
The Canadian Forum on Civil Justice (CFCJ) is thrilled to annouce the publication of three papers from our SSHRC-funded “Cost of Justice” research project. These papers are based on findings from the CFCJ’s Everyday Legal Problems and the Cost of Justice in Canada survey, the first national survey in almost ten years to measure the
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