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Caregiver Access to Justice in Canada: Addressing the Challenges Faced by Migrant Workers
Introduction Canada has long relied on migrant workers to fill gaps in the labour market, particularly for jobs related to domestic work. Since the end of the Second World War, tens of thousands of individuals, predominantly women from the Global South, have come to Canada to fulfill vital caregiving roles. As of 2021, there are
Read NowThe Charter and Legal Aid Ontario’s Proposed Refugee Law Cuts
Legal Aid Ontario (LAO) has announced plans for substantial cuts to its immigration and refugee law services. Other legal aid programs across Canada are no doubt watching this closely, and may be considering similar measures. The proposed cuts, however, may be unconstitutional. Proposed 40% cuts to Refugee Law Services Currently, refugee claimants in Ontario who
read nowThe Cost of Justice (Research)
A number of reports published in recent years have highlighted the lack of research on access to justice in Canada and have called for more. In a Canadian Forum on Civil Justice column published on, Andrew Pilliar discusses the state of access to justice research in Canada and offers insight into how much access
read nowLes problèmes juridiques de la vie quotidienne et le coût de la justice au Canada – rapport général
Le forum canadien sur la justice civile est très heureux d’annoncer que << Les problèmes juridiques de la vie quotidienne et le coût de la justice au Canada : rapport général >> est présentement disponible en français. Ce rapport général fait partie du projet sur les coûts de la justice (2011-2018) qui examine les coûts
read nowEngaging the Power of Community to Expand Legal Services for Low‐Income Ontarians
The Legal Health Check-up Project which involved 12 community legal clinics in Southwestern Ontario and 125 partnerships with community organizations and service agencies, was developed as a way to provide information and assistance related to everyday legal problems to disadvantaged people. “Engaging the Power of Community to Expand Legal Services for Low‐Income Ontarians”, the complete
read nowA Changing Role for Lawyers in the Age of Self-Represented Litigants
In recent years, there has been a dramatic increase in the number of individuals who address a legal issue without the assistance of legal representation. Statistical data generated by the Canadian Forum on Civil Justice (CFCJ) indicates that approximately 11.4 million people in Canada will experience at least one everyday legal problem in a given
read nowSocial Impact Bonds and Access to Justice
There is a new socially innovative initiative, known as Social Impact Bonds (SIBs), whereby the private sector shares in the risk and reward associated with the outcome of social programs. With funding being a challenge for many not-for-profits and stakeholders working to improve access to justice across Canada, SIBs may provide a way forward for
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