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Caregiver Access to Justice in Canada: Addressing the Challenges Faced by Migrant Workers
Introduction Canada has long relied on migrant workers to fill gaps in the labour market, particularly for jobs related to domestic work. Since the end of the Second World War, tens of thousands of individuals, predominantly women from the Global South, have come to Canada to fulfill vital caregiving roles. As of 2021, there are
Read NowThe Canadian Research Institute for Law and the Family and the Canadian Forum on Civil Justice are Studying the Cost of Resolving Family Law Disputes
The Canadian Research Institute for Law and the Family (CRILF) and the Canadian Forum on Civil Justice are tackling a piece of the access to justice puzzle together by conducting a study on the cost of resolving family law disputes. “Part of the whole access to justice inquiry has to involve the accessibility of different
read nowMaking A2J Matter to the Public
The Action Committee on Access to Justice in Civil and Family Matters launched the #justiceforall campaign designed to raise public understanding of accessible justice challenges as a component of a healthy democracy. A next step in transforming the A2J landscape is to engage the public by raising awareness of the importance of justice issues in
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Le Comité d’action sur l’accès à la justice en matière civile et familiale a commencé la campagne #justicepourtous vise à faire réaliser au public que l’accès à la justice est, en fait, l’accès aux solutions de leurs problèmes juridiques de tous les jours et un élément d’une saine démocratie. L’étape suivante dans la transformation du
read nowAccess to Justice: Justice System Could Learn From Nova Scotia Veterans Outreach Program
This article originally appeared on The Lawyer’s Daily on July 19, 2017. It is the third article in Thomas Cromwell’s exclusive The Lawyer’s Daily column dedicated to access to civil and family justice. Life isn’t organized like the Canadian Abridgement. The real problems of real people don’t sort themselves into neat categories and they are
read nowJudicial Resolutions A Call to Action, But Tough Questions Will Follow
This article originally appeared on The Lawyer’s Daily on June 12, 2017. It is the second article in Thomas Cromwell’s exclusive The Lawyer’s Daily column dedicated to access to civil and family justice. Sometimes symbolic gestures are meaningful. And sometimes they are even important. The recent resolutions by the leaders of the Canadian judiciary concerning
read nowThinking Big about Access to Justice
This article originally appeared on The Lawyer’s Daily on March 3, 2017: It is the first article in Thomas Cromwell’s exclusive The Lawyer’s Daily column dedicated to access to civil and family justice. Access to justice is the biggest challenge facing our legal system. And just about every lawyer I know cares deeply about
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